Making Change Easy

Hypnotherapy, Awareness Training, and Coaching

Hypnotherapy, Life Improvement Coaching, Affordable Personal Awareness and Personal Achievement Courses.


These are extracts from feedback forms after coaching sessions with John. Some names have been excluded from the extracts for confidentiality.
What did you get from the session?:
"I have been lucky enough to have been coached by John Cochrane at different times over several years when facing fresh challenges in my business and personal life. John is intelligent, experienced, capable, flexible and a great listener. He is insightful and has the capacity to put his finger on the pulse of my current challenge to indentify what I may be missing at the time. This is so important when I am struggling in the dark on an issue, he supports me to unravel my own knots!"
"What really works for me about John's coaching style, is his honesty married with his patient, calm, gentle way. I have always found John to be firm and strong and I trust him to tell me the truth when I can't see the wood for the trees, this empowers and supports me to see my way forward."
"Most recently John has coached me in preparation for an important seminar which I was giving at a conference in a major public venue. The seminar was a great success with comprehensive feedback from all quarters to that effect. Though I created and delivered the seminar, I was not alone, I see it as a team effort and know that John's coaching played a great part in supporting me to successfully step up to this challenge. I really enjoyed us working together and I am so pleased that John was partnering me on this journey and I thank him for his amazing support!"
"I am very happy to recommend John Cochrane as a very effective coach."
UM (Ref. 23)
What did you get from the session?:
“I was very skeptical when going into the first session and took a while to get my head around some of the methods, but by the start of the 3rd session something seemed to click and the tools of coaching being given to me by john started to work, and help in my day to day job.”
“John is an extremely pleasant man and very easy to talk to, the various coaching tools were explained well and backed up with a descriptive e-mail which helped considerably.”
MD (Ref. 09)
What did you get from the session?:
“I gained extra motivation to carry on with my project, when I had just decided to terminated it, I got a new perspective around the options that I had available and a clear sense of direction regarding choosing my next steps.”
“The coaching session worked very well for me and regarding my coach strengths I would point out his clarity, his practical sense about my options and his own enthusiasm about my project. That was exactly what I needed.”
PPFS (Ref. 10)
What did you get from the session?:
“This was a great session that really looked at the progress I have made and the significant life changes that have occurred as a result of the sessions I have had with John, the personal work I am doing and the learning I have found in some books I have been exploring. The outcome of this session was the realization that I have made a significant shift in my own personal development and as a result have changed profoundly, reaching a deeper level of harmony of being.”
“My trust of myself, and life and my intuition/ability to tune into the spirit within me has dramatically increased and gives me a solidity and awareness that I know will give me a fuller, richer and more satisfying interaction with my life and who I am.”
“Again John was incredible in the loving and open way he helped to steer me through this process, He has been a significant part of my process and has helped tune me in to an alignment with my inner self that I know will have a positive impact on how I am externally, and my interactions with others.”
“I was very happy with the support/coaching and cannot see where John’s interaction could be improved - I believe he has superb coaching skills and that these will benefit anyone who is lucky enough to have coaching sessions with him in the future.”
JE (Ref. 07)
What did you get from the session?:
“A practical time management strategy
Renewed hope that I can achieve my primary and sub primary goal in the time necessary”
BW (Ref. 12)
What did you get from the session?:
“Being conscious and regaining my authority. John had me develop some “I will….. “ statements. Found it really helpful, prefaced each of the tasks on my weekly plan with “I will” and felt the energy shift each time I reviewed my plan”
DC (Ref.21)
What did you get from the session?:
“John was excellent. He grew stronger and more confident as the session went on. I had a strong sense that he was FOR me.”
”He was very skilled at summarising what I had already said before asking a key question and remembered accurately key points further on in the session.“
”He skilfully rephrased a question to help me understand and answer it eg "What's basically true about you? What do you want to bring out about yourself?" He did this several times and it really worked.”
”He has a light humorous touch at times which is very effective eg when I expressed a need for acknowledgement from others and a reluctance to share my result he said "They'll notice it if you share it!” “
”At other times he rephrased what I said in order to summarise eg "A celebration of (name excluded), in fact". I liked this - he was contributing too, so - a sense of partnership developing.”
”He also offered insights to what I'd said eg "When we're in overwhelm, our authority collapses" and made suggestions too. He shared his own actions/strategies on the same result. All these things gave me a strong sense of being in partnership and being supported by someone alongside me. This is very important to my work.”
PA (Ref. 14)
What did you get from the session?:
“I did not feel influenced to do anything other than really go with what I thought would work for me”
“I think fear is a serious barrier to success and in particular fear of failure- it was good to work with this and keep it in the frame and keep bringing it out as a possible explanation for any procrastination I had”
“My coach is very dependable; I feel I can rely on him to fully engage in the process therefore I am more willing to stretch outside of my comfort zone”
“My coach is very skilled”
“I think that coaching is primarily concerned with supporting individuals strengths to come to the fore and for them to grow in a flourishing space in .a way the individual determines - my coach is excellent at being along side of you as you work it out”
“My coach is far along the effective continuum”
BW (Ref. 11)
What did you get from the session?:
“This session really was more reflective and I got what we had done over the prior weeks. Also got how I don’t acknowledge, in fact notice, achievements but instead immediately move onto the next task/challenge. I now have a sheet up in my study where I mark up accomplishments - although I notice I frequently leave it unattended for periods of time.”
DC (Ref.22)
What did you get from the session?:
“I was preparing for a job interview and after the session I was more confident, had a clearer sense of purpose and was more enthusiastic.”
“John listened to me in an active way and often untangled some of my sentences and rephrased them for me in a way that accurately captured what I meant.”
“John had some very helpful insights which he shared with me while we were going through the process. I didn't manage to write them all down and so completed the call wishing I had.”
JAC (Ref. 13)
What did you get from the session?:
“It really helped because John listened to what I said and then gave me feedback that I could easily understand. His suggestions for how to use deception generators and esteem generators helped me to use them more effectively, without getting bogged down in too much detail. John's strengths are the ability to really understand what someone is saying, and to be able to feed back, really quickly, even negative things in a positive, understandable and acceptable way.”
LMW (Ref. 08)
What did you get from the session?:
“John’s strengths - quietly calm and a clear communicator. Gently, sensitively strong in holding the process. Incisive, he picked up on one or two things which were not obvious. Doesn’t try to ‘fix’ the issue at hand, looks deeper to the underlying drivers, makes suggestions, gives pointers without ‘telling’ or ‘diagnosing’.”
DC (Ref. 15)
What did you get from the session?:
“I made a significant shift in how I see certain aspects of me and my way of seeing a task or the result. John’s insight/input allowed me to see that I have already had what I want. This shift allowed me to move from a sense of lack to a way of building what I have. This made me feel lighter at the end of the processing, more joyous and energized to create more vitality in life.”
GN (Ref. 02)
What did you get from the session?:
“This session was pivotal for me because I realized many things as a result of the support I received from John, regarding how I relate to others when I am in a relationship. As a result of the conversation we had which encouraged me to look at what I do and what (name excluded) does, I was able to make a major shift in myself towards being with how things are, trusting and accepting. This has meant a much greater degree of happiness for me, and enjoyment of the relationship as it is right now. In turn this has created a space that seems to be drawing us closer.”
“John’s strengths were compassion, clarity, listening, and reflecting back to me what he was hearing. This helped me see what was true and what was my ‘stuff’.”
JE (Ref. 05)
What did you get from the session?:
“John provided/created a good working space, he teased me forwards through the process (it flowed).”
DC (REF.16)
What did you get from the session?:
“A way of approaching things more lightly and with more confidence. It was important for me to be able to see that the result is do-able and that I have the capacity to create it.”
“I felt more solid. There’s a steady level of excitement (like jogging rhythm) that supports me to look forward to my life and my future in the realm of possibility.”
GN (Ref. 03)
What did you get from the session?:
“What works is the compassion and listening skills that create space for me to explore what is really going on - I know this stuff but I rarely have the space to untangle some of the deeper core beliefs that impact negatively on my way of being. Even on the telephone John is very skilled at this.”
JE (Ref. 04)
What did you get from the session?:
“I got to reclaim my strengths, talents, abilities and passion to make a choice and move forward in my life. I come out with a sense of purpose about what can be done regarding my situation. I have claimed my esteem for myself.”
“His way of coming in and saying what it was he saw in me touched me and it was affirming and empowering, and allowed me to re-see and re-claim myself.”
GN (Ref. 01)
What did you get from the session?:
“What worked was the support that I received from John in order to reach the conclusions I did above - in one session! It was again John’s clarity and ability to move me through the mindtalk and help me realize where I am playing ’superhuman’ and ‘reasonable’ and the impact that this has.”
“John has remarkable ability and insight when it comes to drawing me to a point where I can see exactly what I am doing and make choices about how I want to be.”
JE (Ref. 06)
What did you get from the session?:
“John was creative around measuring results of a fairly subjective goal.
John maintains good awareness of prior sessions recalling prior discussions and bringing them up this old material in context of the current session, very helpful.”
DC (Ref.17)
What did you get from the session?:
“Really noticed how driven I am and how I am struggling to get off it.
When going back and acknowledging what I have done in the past week; that I am doing better than I thought.
That I am not alone as a cool axis person in that I need time to reflect, think and absorb.”
DC (Ref.18)
What did you get from the session?:
“Having allowed me a short ‘dump’ and scene set, at an early stage John got me to stop, slow down and breath. A strength is John’s gentle non-interfering support.”
DC (Ref.19)
What did you get from the session?:
“Open questioning by John which sparked me to reflect and notice.”
DC (Ref.20)