Walks of Mind
Warning: This website may change your mind.
Keep the best and improve the rest. Human nature at work.
You can Help This Endeavour
As this work is still so new and under development there are many opportunities for supporting the website and the project as a whole as it grows.
I invite collaboration from those with knowledge and a willingness to benefit the rest of humanity. I invite individuals to experience their own potential for change. I reach out to potential benefactors and patrons. I invite academia and professionals world-wide to contribute to this project.
Opportunities to support the Doit Mind Model project.
The Doit Mind Model and this website are new and very much a work-in-progress.
The project has grown rapidly and I cannot complete even the basics without help, a lot of help.
It is my ambition:

To keep this website updated and relevant.

To earn at least enough income from this website, or through other forms of publication/activity, to continue my research and development.

To extend the website with more topics, resources, links to related sources of information, etc.

To build professional advanced support for future practitioners.

To finance publicity and advertising to allow the project to reach and benefit more and more people.

To set up a not-for-profit organisation to take this project into the future.

To reach out to professional collaborators and contributors to develop and improve the quality of this website and its content.
There is a big shortfall in terms of what is needed to improve and grow this website and the project that it presents and my ability to continue creating on my own.
With that pressing reality I want to and need to gather support from many sources and in the following minimum areas.

To validate, deepen, and extend the basic model and associated concepts.

Deepening: Deepening understandings of why we think as we do and why we do as we do.

Psychology and Therapy: Putting this model to practicable use.

Neuroscience: Providing deeper links between ground-breaking research and the application of that research to benefit as many as possible.

Neurodiversity: There may be a way to better understand neurodiversity through exploring what happens when one or more of the fucuses are less active than usual.

Motivation and Self-Care: To enable individuals to better understand their own motivations and aspirations and to have access to simple and effective resources for self-support.

Relationships: To enable all forms of relationship to become more meaningful and robust.

Politics: To promote improvements in understanding of how to create political alternatives that better support healthy cultures.

AI: To develop oversight of future AI as well as to provide potential roadmaps for the development of better AI.

Survival of the Human Race: Tongue-in-cheek perhaps. We face many growing global challenges and a better understanding of human strengths and weaknesses will be needed.
