
Simple methods for dealing with common issues

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Self-Care: How to Get Relief From Depression

The following is still under development = it is incomplete!

Depression is a very varied experience. Even when two people who have experienced depression compare their individual experiences they can be almost unrecognisable to one-another in terms of what they feel, how severe their condition may be, where it came from, and how to gain relief. There are also a wide variety of techniques, therapies, and approaches that can be valuable to manage and reduce depression.

Depression can lead to other problems

"I can't ....."
One feature of depression that is often shared by many is a sense of hopelessness with a belief that it is a very bg challenge to engage with life. That is what is explored in this website.
Depression amplifies our discomfort to an intense level whilst also reducing our determination to continue living our normal life with any sense of enthusiasm. Our lack of hope (a prime symptom of depression although not always cosciously identified) leaves us particularly vulnerable.
Lower levels of depression, which may not be recognised at a conscious level, can be associated with an increased tendency to adopt bad habits and addictions as a compensation for the general sense of discomfort and unease. This can lead to obsessive over-indulging and after-effects that make our depression worse over time.
Here is a guided meditation that you may find useful. It is intended to boost your sense of hope for the future.

Overwhelming Hope Meditation

Active Trancework.
Click here to allow hope to grow:
Ignite Hope