
When Challenges Happen


Anxiety is a general term that applies to a range of experiences that can arise from a variety of causes and can lead to a spectrum of feelings and thoughts. There are also a wide variety of techniques, therapies, and approaches that can be valuable to manage and reduce anxiety.
Whatever the form, or forms, of anxiety that apply to you, the end effect on your habit is likely to be the same; your Automatic Mind recognises the discomfort that comes with ongoing anxiety and suggests a possible solution in the form of temptations. You don't neccessarily need to solve or change your anxiety in order to change your habits, you can help yourself by dealing with the temptation as it arises.
If you have specific fears then this link outlines some of the methods of handling fear:
Addressing Fears
This is one observation about anxiety that you may find useful no matter what the underlying causes of your anxiety may be:
Anxiety Note
If and when you are ready to explore your anxiety more deeply, click here:
Anxiety Explored