Ditch Unwanted Habits

Four-Step Program: Unwanted Habits


"I'm just not sure."
When we choose, and choose again, we get the opportunity to experience emotions such as pleasure, excitement, contentment, determination, power, and so on that we tend to enjoy.
However, with every decision comes the potential for regret. When we choose one thing, one way forward, we inevitably give up something else. As thinking and feeling beings the act of giving up a possible future will tend to bring regret, sadness, confusion, doubt, worry, etc.
So, every decision that we make may be considered to have at least two emotional aspects, one that we want/like/enjoy, and one that we regret/dislike/hate. Some of us may focus on the pleasurable aspect of making choices and make important decisions with relative ease whilst others of us may focus more on our worries and discomfort which can lead us into procrastination, doubting of our own decisions, and an unwillingness to commit at an emotional level.
Here is a guided meditation that you may find useful. It is intended to encourage you to trust your own inner-self more.
Active Trancework.
Click here to empower your decisiveness:
No More Procrastination