Say No To Temptations

Four-Step Program: Cravings

Four-Step Program to Master Cravings

Learn how to manage your cravings to eat to eat appropriately and eat less.

Note: Self-Care is not therapy!

The Self-Care resources provided on this website are designed to be safe, as simple as possible to use, and are generalised. By definition these Self-Care or Self-Help resources cannot be made therapeutic as there is no possible assessment of individual needs and no personalisation of the resource content. Self-Care from this website is intended to be educational in the sense that the theory and content of the Self-Care resources is described, how they may be able to help is described, and how to get the best out of the approach now and into the future is also provided.
If you have, or need, the support of a health-care professional then ask them about the appropriateness of using Self-Care to support the treatment that they have prescribed.

About the Four-Step Program

Click here to learn a little more about how this program works, what you can do to prepare, how to set targets, etc.:
Four-Step Introduction

When you know your target and are ready to take start!

The main Four-Step Program meditation

Active Trancework.
When you are ready, click here to use the main Four-Step audio:
Four-Step Program Main Meditation

A little help along the way

Active Trancework.
Click here for an optional short refresher to use on a regular basis:
Daily support

When you feel Temptation

It is no good trying to argue or reason with your own automatic temptations, urges, or cravings.
Think 'No Temptation!' without specifying what the individual temptations are. You must be forceful. Keep repeating 'No Temptation!' again and again ten times in a row, within your mind or out loud. If you are on your own, shake your fists or stamp your feet as you to make your feedback to your Automatic Mind as clear and unmistakable as you can.

Additional Support

We all can benefit from additional support from time to time, especially when we are making a significant change. The following resources offer insights, tips, advice, and alternatives to help your on your way.

Self-Care to Make Change Easier

You are choosing to make a significant change in your life, and you have a great tool in the Four-Step Program to get you started.
You can make your change a lot easier and more successful if you know some of the many methods that are available for your daily self-support.
Simple ideas to make your change easier:

When Challenges Happen

When we choose to change a strong habit then inevitably challenges will happen.
Look here to find out more about what can throw us off track and how to manage: